Posted on 7/2/2017

Contact A Reliable Auto Repair In 92110 Cars remain one of the essential things to have in our modern hectic schedules. It takes us virtually everywhere and also keeps us safe while doing it. Many of us cannot even imagine a day without their cars but regrettably, there are many car owners that often neglect to perform even the simplest maintenance to ensure their cars remain on the road. Regular servicing and proper care are essential for every vehicle type and any sort of ignorance in this can cause serious dangers that could destroy the car and also introduce the driver to hazards. The most essential of all these maintenance routines include regular checking and changing of engine oil, changing brake pad and oil, Fuel Tank, Gear systems and monitoring of the tire’s pressure and tread levels. Benefits Of Regular Maintenance Safety Just because a car appears okay does not automatically mean all is working as it s ... read more
Posted on 5/6/2017

Is it best to repair or replace your car? That’s a good question in this economy and here are some helpful tips to make your decision a little easier for you. A growing number of people are finding that the economy has them debating whether it’s best to buy a new car or repair the one they have. If you are trying to decide between buying and repairing, here are some tips that may help: Comparing Costs It is typically less expensive in the long run to repair the vehicle you already own rather than purchasing a newer one. Financing even a $2,000 repair typically means lower payments (or similar payments for a shorter time) than those incurred when purchasing a newer vehicle. The 50-Percent Rule After receiving the estimate of a major repair, consider the “50-percent rule.” When the cost of a needed repair approaches 50 percent of the vehicle’s value, it is time to seriously consider replacing it. Reliability And Maintenance History The best way to kno ... read more